Friday, January 29, 2010

8th midwife appointment - passing due dates

Cairo wanted to have her turn at the midwife appointment with her little boyfriend, so with my oldest & youngest buckled in the van, on Wednesday we headed off for the clinic.
Gagey seemed pleased that he got to go on an outing with mama & big sister - & he looked so handsome with his monkey tuque & striped hoody that i couldn't help but smile as he trotted confidently across the parking lot.
The other family in the waiting room was a mother, father & little girl. Each had a massive pile of dreadlocks twisted up on their heads & Gagey was entranced with them. He perched himself on the couch so he could watch every move the little girl made & he would report back to me... "Her outSIDE!" "Her dooin' IT!" Finally, he got a little restless & started going through Cairo's purse. He pulled out a little flashlight & kept trying to shine it on the dreadlocked family till Cairo, horrified, pulled it away. She looked very relieved when finally it was our turn.
"So? 39 and a half weeks, eh?"
"Feeling good movement still?"
"Yeh, maybe a little squishy in there... but the head's nice & low..."
"Any contractions?"
"Not much of anything to report, no... a few here & there, but nothing painful, or timeable..."
"Doesn't mean much anyway..."
"Yeh... i know..."
"If you want, next week we could strip your membranes & see if that encourages anything along..."
"Y'know? i think i'd rather just wait - especially if i'm feeling this good... i think we'll just let things happen as they happen..."
"Sure - you've got a whole 'nother 2 week window on the other side of your "due date" - plus we gave you those extra 3 days... i'm sure things'll happen on their own."
"Yeh..." i patted my belly protectively.

You know your birthday, right little one?
i think it's fun that you have a little secret from mama that you refuse to tell... i'm so curious. We have all made our guesses & predictions - but you, in your darkened cave, you laugh at us, don't you? As i pass random dates picked out on a calendar by an ultrasound machine - or laws of averages, you know that those dates aren't yours... & so you grow & wait... & we wonder & prepare... The 28th is gone - the 31st fast approaches... Each day bringing us closer to your arrival.
When will it be?

1 comment:

stephanie said...

My birthday is on the 1st of February. That would be a good day to be born! :)


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