Tuesday, February 26, 2013

little update on little one...

25weeks seems like quite a hefty little chuck of pregnancy in the rear-view mirror.
It's an interesting thing being able to look back on 17 years of pregnancy and childbearing... seeing what things have changed for me, what things remain the same, how i do pregnancy, how my body has coped with age and wear and tear...
i feel like i have this really cool perspective - and i'm so very grateful for it.
The other day, my teens had some of their very best friends over. i knew my pants were riding low and i thought... 'i'm going to look awkward if i stand up and have to yank up my pants...." so i lifted my bum from my seat, leaned back and tugged the back of my jeans... Cai caught my eye and burst out laughing... and i thought to myself, that it sure is a funny thing for teens to have the memory of their mama in the vulnerability of this pregnant state.
i gain roughly the same amount of weight with each baby... even though the babies have varied wildly in size. i generally struggle mightily with morning sickness for the first 18 or so weeks - although i had one who landed me in the hospital, violently ill - and one who never even made me queasy. i get low blood pressure and struggle with dizziness. My breastfeeding issues are their whole own post... i have never carried any baby as high as this little one. As a matter of fact, my midwives noted that my uterus was several centimeters higher than dates would suggest - maybe he will be tall, like his daddy.
But over all... i have so little to complain about... i genuinely enjoy pregnancy (especially the second two trimesters). Labours and deliveries have each been their own wild ride - but they've all been amazing, natural births that leave me wondering how i get off so lucky in that regard...

me at 24 weeks

As far as ageing - even though much of pregnancy feels old hat and familiar... sometimes i'm reminded by some little weakness... that a couple of decades have passed, and there might be wisdom in being gentler with my older self...
And so i admit tenderness, i sit when i need to sit, i know that breastfeeding will be gut wrenchingly, agonizingly painful... and so i make allowances in my life so that we will succeed. i try to eat healthier and be aware of my own health - as my body cares for the health of the little one growing inside.
i guess i figure God knew what he was doing when he sent me each little one over the past 17 years... i trust Him.


Jen said...

Pregnancy updates are my fav.
This one didn't disappoint.

Unknown said...

You look ABSOLUTELY STUNNING! You are a picture of beauty and grace. May God continue to give you peace, endurance - and easy breastfeeding ;)

Kali Gillespie said...

I was just thinking I hadn't seen a baby bump shot yet...yeah, he does look a little "higher". You look so great and healthy Paige! Soooo fun.

Carol said...

Looking great!

lovefam6 said...

Wow that lil' one is high! I am taken back my how incredibly young you look. If it weren't for that tummy, I'd have thought I was looking at one of your daughters. I pray that you find breastfeeding to be surprisingly and miraculously uncomplicated this time around.


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